Mary Ann's house sits above the sand dunes at Bethells Beach.
You will be able to come here and stay. It'll be a bed and breakfast before too long. If you know of the West Auckland Harre family, you will understand why this can be considered a special house. It was for sale on TradeMe as "The Railway House" and it looks like a railway station when you finally heave, in first gear, up the drive. Is this a reminder of the station where Tolstoy spent his last, according to the movie The Last Station, or is that my imagination? Yes.
The Waitakere river ebbs and flows: tonight it is high. Mary Ann says it roared last night. You only have to glance briefly to the left to see the silver snake from what is a southern-riverboat-sort-of-verendah. It is hot and sultry: three dogs are situated comfortably.
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